I’m Glad you could stop by

Thank you for visiting today. I am so excited to announce a few bits of news:

The first is that my new book BOOM has just been given a finalist award for Science Fiction from Next Generation Indie Book Awards. I won a finalist award from them back in 2021 for E-book with my book The Exodus. The awards ceremony was all online, but this year I get to actually attend a physical event, and I am excited to go.

Which brings me to my second piece of news: 

A second book that I co-wrote this past year Steering Classes off Cliffs: 10 Ways Professors Sabotage Their Students to Crash and Burn was also granted a finalist award in the category of Education/Academic, and I could not have done it without my amazing co-author Elyse Kunzler


Nearly two years ago, I asked Elyse (a former student of mine) if she would be interested in writing a set of books with me that addressed how students sabotage their own grades and how professors also sabotage student grades in college. I had wanted to offer a professor and a student perspective on these issues. Graciously, Elyse accepted the task, and we spent the next year and few months crafting this two volume set of books. When we released the book in December of 2023, I knew we had something helpful and that every college student and professor could learn from.

Although, I’m excited to be the recipient of two awards this year with NGIBA, it pales in comparison to being able to share this honor with my friend, peer and co-author Elyse Kunzler.

Way to go Elyse! You’re an amazing writer. Keep going!

In the meantime, I hope you’ll read my two-time Finalist award winning book (and my favorite) The Exodus.